Thursday, December 12, 2024


The Facebook page and the Instagram chanel, entitled Digital Math Workshop, will be usefuls to disseminate the activities undertaken by the partners of the Erasmus KA210 project of the same name.

During the first two months, from the beginning of the Erasmus Plus project, there was a low interaction with the published posts, both on the Facebook page and on the Instagram channel. The published posts were few, concentrated in the week of the first mobility, intended for teachers only, held in Belgium.
Looking at the insights of the months of October and November, it can be noted that:
- in October, the interaction of the social channels was almost zero;
- in November, the situation changed, especially between the 18th and the 22nd, coinciding with the mobility in Belgium.

Friday, December 6, 2024

FIRST ERASMUS+ MOBILITY KA210 - Digital Math Workshop

The first Erasmus Plus mobility of the "Digital Math Workshop" project has ended, held from 18 to 22 November 2024 in the heart of Flanders, Bruges in Belgium, which sees the collaboration of our school and the partner countries Belgium and Turkey, coordinated by France. 

The project aims to discover the various possibilities of applying Artificial Intelligence in teaching and learning mathematics. 

Being a mobility of teachers only, various applications that could be introduced into teaching have been tested. Furthermore, the organizational details of future student mobilities have been agreed upon, which will take place starting from March 2025 with the meeting in Italy. 

The skills acquired will be validated with a project on augmented reality that will be part of an ebook that will contain the works of all the partners and which each school will be able to use.

DMW-Digital Math Workshop (Erasmus+ KA210-SCH)

This eTwinning project was opened to be carried out simultaneously with the Eramus+ KA210SCH project named DMW- Digital Math Workshop with the number 2024-FR-KA210-SCH-0000244028, which was submitted to the French national agency in the 2024 Round-1 period and was awarded a grant. The project is in partnership with France, Belgium, Italy and Turkey and will be completed in 14 months. Teacher and student mobility will be carried out in the project and our general objectives within the scope of the project are as follows: By implementing this project, we aim to increase the frequency of using artificial intelligence supported software and tools in Mathematics lessons. We want to make mathematics teaching and learning processes more qualified by freeing them from prejudices and stereotypes. Through the developing digital skills of the participants and their dissemination, we aim to support the EU's goal of a high-quality standard of education in Europe. Within the scope of the project, various applications, tools and software supported by artificial intelligence will be integrated into mathematics teaching and learning processes. This integration includes Metaverse, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and AI based technologies. For this purpose, educational activities such as workshops, virtual experiences, Professional development programmes, sample lesson plans and simulations are planned.